
MALTDAQ is an online platform which brings together whisky enthusiasts keen to legally buy and sell whisky from each other in a safe and trusted marketplace. Central to creating this trusted marketplace is that all members are vetted and their identity verified.

An individual MALTDAQ member can simultaneously be both a buyer and a seller; looking to buy one whisky while intending to sell another.

Members are only required to register once, whether in Buyer or Seller mode, and all MALTDAQ members remain anonymous from each other, always.

How do I become a member of MALTDAQ?

Membership is free but we do ask that you to complete a 5-step registration process to confirm your identity, age, billing and shipping address and to provide your bank details, which will be held securely by a 3rd party provider.

This takes approximately 5 minutes and you will need to have to hand your driver’s licence or passport, a recent utility bill (e.g. council tax bill) and your bank details.

To join MALTDAQ click here